Those who are:
- wishing to or who are interested into becoming members of the Catholic Church
- not baptized
- baptized in another faith
These persons enter into our four stage process.
General time is around a year - longer or shorter taking into consideration individuals faith journey and needs.
See Fr. Joe after Mass to learn more.
ALL are Welcome!!!
Inquiry - 1st Stage
Together, with others, questions are discovered and answered, and a growing relationship with the living God is nourished and developed. For some there is an awakening to conversion possibilities, for others a deepening sense of being lead to the Catholic Church by the Lord.
This is an open time period until inquier wishes to enter into the second stage.
Rite of Acceptance - Welcoming:
There is a special celebration at Mass for those who have chosen to study the Catholic faith further and enter into the second stage.
Catechumenate - 2nd Stage
Those not Baptized are referred to as Catechumens.
Those who have been Baptized are called Candidates.
This time will be focused on deepening initial conversion by seeking greater understanding of the Catholic Tradition, studying the weekly Scriptures, introducing elements of life as a disciple of Jesus with prayer, worship and community.
Full Day retreat, followed by:
Rite of Election or Enrollment:
The Pastor and Bishop officially accept those who choose to go forward into the final preparations for full initiation into the Catholic Faith.
Purification/Enlightenment - 3rd Stage
This stage offers the opportunity for recollection and reflection, allowing those continuing to privately strive to eliminate what is weak and sinful and affirm what is holy. This is the Lenten challenge for all Catholics.
The Community is invited to pray specifically for those on this journey and ask the Lord to help and guide them. Anticipation grows for all as we near Easter.......
Sacrament of Initiation - Easter Vigil
Baptism - Confirmation - Eucharist
Mystagogy - 4th Stage
This stage allows the new Catholics to continue to ask questions and offer opportunities of Eucharist, ministry, and how the Gospel is lived in thier day-to-day lives.